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How to improve the reliability of wires and cables?
更新日期:2023-02-03   點擊次數:735次



  With the development of society, wires and cables have become an indispensable part of our life. I believe that we all hope to use safe and reliable products with guaranteed quality.

  So how can we ensure the reliability of wires and cables during use? May wish to take a look at the following testing items, all of which are to ensure the orderly progress of product inspection and provide the most powerful basis for the quality assurance of the final product.


  HD-B604-S computerized universal test machine is professionally specialized in plastic film, composite, soft packaging materials, plastic hose, adhesive, protective film, composite cover, diaphragm, non-woven fabric, rubber, paper and other products of tensile, peeling, tear, bonding, puncture force, pull force and other performance tests. It is an indispensable testing equipment for physical testing, teaching research, quality inspection and so on.



  HD-R807 wire and cable combustion test chamber is composed of 4 cubic meters combustion chamber, operation module, signal control, test frame, pressure gauge, flow meter, differential pressure gauge, combustion blowtorch, solenoid valve, igniter, gas pipe, gas source, etc. ; It is used to evaluate the flame retardancy of the insulating layer of UL standard wires and IEC standard plastic pipes.

  It has high precision, stable and reliable, automatic ignition, stop-flame time, burning time, burning times and temperature calibration functions, etc.; digital display of flame temperature and test time, and the burning situation can be observed through tempered glass.

  HD-E702氣候箱(也稱為溫度和濕度測試箱)可提供較寬的溫度和濕度控制范圍。 它用于模擬惡劣的高溫,低溫或潮濕的熱環境??蛻艨梢愿鶕阅芎蜏y試區域容量選擇合適的模型。


  HD-E702 climate chamber (also known as temperature and humidity test chamber) provides a wide temperature and humidity control range. It is using to simulate severe high temperature, low temperature or damp heat environment. Customer can select suitable models based on performance and test area capacity.

  It is widely used in various industries, such as electronic instruments and meters, new materials, electricians, vehicles, metals, electronic products, aerospace materials , which may encounter environmental condition during transportation, storage, and in-using.
